Penny Lane Foal Rescue
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Youth Leadership Programs
Socializing Training!
Penny Lane Foal Rescue is a 501c(3) charitable organization.
Tax ID: 83-2993708
100% donation to Penny Lane Foal Rescue
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About the Trainer
My life is dedicated to helping youth and animals. For over 30 years, I have worked with youth in education and community services. I am a Level III K-12 teacher with a Master's degree in Special Education. I have taught a variety of student populations from elementary through high school age for 21 years. I have been so fortunate to have cared for and trained horses over 25 years.
I am so excited to share my experience and love for horses with you! I can't wait to teach you how to communicate effectively with horses and build positive relationships with them. You will become skilled in applying the foundation skills of groundwork, respect, and socialization for horses of all ages through natural horsemanship techniques. I truly believe that, together, we can make a huge difference in the lives of rescued foals by giving them the skills and socialization to find their loving and forever homes!
Rio Rancho woman seeks to start state's only young horse rescue .. Shani Silver wants to start the Penny Lane Foal Rescue and Training facility, named for one of the horses she rescued.
​ (December 15, 2017)
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Aug 25, 2017 - Penny Lane Foal Rescue and Training Center in Rio Rancho • My Parents Adult Day Care in Rio Rancho • The Corrales Historical Society in ...
The soulful saga of Penny Lane, recalled by owner Shani Silver Fair or foal:Rio Rancho woman rescues horses
Rio Rancho Observer by Gary Herron, Editor (Oct 1, 2017) RR Observer by Gary Herron, Editor (Oct 1, 2017)
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