Penny Lane Foal Rescue
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Youth Leadership Programs
Socializing Training!
Penny Lane Foal Rescue is a 501c(3) charitable organization.
Tax ID: 83-2993708
100% donation to Penny Lane Foal Rescue
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Youth Horse Leader Program
Penny Lane Foal Rescue and Training Center offers youth, 5 years and older, opportunities to:
participate in weekly hour long lessons
work with horses from the safety of the ground
halter and lead horses through effective communication
develop respectful partnerships with horses
learn to use approach and retreat techniques, pressure and release, repetition, voice commands, and body language to guide horses through various maneuvers
socialize and provide foundation skills for rescued foals
make a huge difference in the lives of rescued foals by giving them a second chance at a wonderful life
become an advocate and ambassador for responsible horse ownership, horsemanship, and humane treatment of New Mexico's horses
Benefits of Working with Horses
Our Youth Horse Leaders who engage regularly with horses experience increases in:
Personal responsibility
Communication skills
Executive functioning skills for analyzing, planning, and completing tasks
Problem-solving skills
Capacity for compassion and empathy
Relationship and friendship skills
Self-management skills
Confidence, resilience, and self-esteem